Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tribe Tuesday: Boy's First Obstacle Course

Tribe Tuesday is where I talk about all things family/kid related, whether it's a recap of a family adventures, my experiences in parenting or an update on my kid(s). Tribe Tuesday will always be real, varying from the good, the bad and the awesome

This weekend was so busy for us! We had tons of things to do, but most importantly, we went to celebrate Bryan's cousins little girl, Bobbi. She turned four! I didn't ask permission so I'm not going to post any of the pictures of the actual party, but at one point, a snow cone truck pulled up! It was so neat and while all the kiddos were getting their treats, Shepherd and Bryan got to play a little on the inflated obstacle course.

Shepherd was not so stoked on being Bryan trying to put him down to roam and maaaaybe had a minor freak-out. It was pretty hilarious! BUT! He did try watermelon for the first time and he was a huge fan. 

On an unrelated note, they are renovating this historical house in Hanford and the progress is amazing. I love when people buy old houses and slowly but surely put love and life back into them! We are supposed to have dinner with them soon and I'm going to ask if I can snap a few photos of their newly renovated kitchen and dining room. So gorgeous. 

Overall, Shepherd loved watching the big kids play, he toddled around after them when he was gnawing on watermelon or squeezing strawberries to mush. It was great - I just wish we had be able to stay longer! It definitely made me REALLY excited for Shepherd's first birthday! 


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