Dear Second Baby,
I haven't seen you yet. Your momma likes to limit ultrasounds to just what is needed, so I didn't get to see you as a tiny little bean around eight weeks like most pregnant women. It's torturous, not having a picture of you and tangible proof that you are there. Sure, I feel you kicking and rolling around in your temporary home. And of course, the breakouts and nausea remind me that you are there, but a picture makes it so real. So do the kicks. Feel free to kick it up anytime you want. I won't complain! You can even kick my bladder. I love the reminders and so does your dad! He didn't get to feel Shepherd that much, because he was a bit terrified by it all. But this time around, he gets it. He even told me the other day that when I was asleep, he put his hand on my belly and thought he felt you! I was about 16 weeks, so that would be way earlier than with your brother, if it's true!
We are so excited for this afternoon. I am beside myself anxious/giddy to see your little black and gray face. I'll be a few days shy of 19 weeks, but I couldn't wait until after our trip to see you! I haven't been able to sleep, knowing that it's so soon! They'll check to make sure you are developing just fine and they'll see if you are a sweet little boy or a precious little girl, but we won't know until Saturday.
Your aunts and Grandma are making us do a gender reveal and it's been trying my patience. I just want to know what you are! I want to be able to say "she's kicking the heck out of me!" or "he's pressing on my bladder and I need to pee ALL THE TIME!" Mostly, I want to give you a name (if your dad and I can ever agree on one.) and to tell your big brother that he is going to have either a little brother or sister around Christmas time. Instead of asking Shep, "Where is our baby?" and have him point to my belly, I'll get to ask "Where is your sister?" or "Where is your brother?".
But...I'll work through my impatience. I'll wait an extra seventeen hours so that we can all find out together. It will be special and will give you your own moment, just like your brother had his. This time, it's just going to be our immediate family - your grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. It'll be more intimate this way and less stressful on me. We are leaving to Oregon the next day so there is enough stress to go around!
I hope you know that I'm doing everything I can to give you the very best start on the day you decide to come (preferably near your due date or later - NOT earlier! Listen to your mother.) I'm making big changes so we can have a natural, easy birth. I want nothing more than for you to come into the world in a safe and welcoming environment. I'm praying and working towards a different start for us, baby, but no matter what, we are in it together. Pre-eclampsia or not, we'll make it work. It'll be worth it all to hold you and love on you.
Your dad and I will do anything we need to do for you to be happy, healthy and to thrive.
You are loved, our precious second! See you soon.
Friday, July 24, 2015
We'll Be Seeing You...
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Whole Health
He put me on new prenatal vitamins and a fish oil supplement. He did some reflex testing and my liver didn't perform well so he suggested a supplement to help my liver function. (If you are looking for a fish oil supplement, I've been really pleased with this one. I haven't had any fishy burps which is a WIN in my book!) About a week and a half in I broke down and bought a pill box. I had to. I was carrying around three bottles in my purse and it was killing my back! I just got it Monday at CVS. It was less than $6 and it has a safety feature in case my boy gets a hold of it. I filled each day with an entire days rations of vitamins and I've been doing really well with remembering to take them!
I've also been getting incorporating other changes in my lifestyle to help with the stress. Once I figure out what works and what doesn't I'll be writing about those! I'm still in the trial phase so I'll keep you updated on how it goes!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
A Weekend at the Coast
This post is late because we were at the coast this weekend! Bryan had a gig in Cayucos and SLO, so we didn't get back until late last night. I was just way too burned down to sit and recap the weekend so I was like... #yolo. Does anyone say that anymore? I'm thinking not.
Here is a little video clip from one of the mashups he does that I love!
A video posted by Megan Vickers (@meganlauriana) on
Friday, July 17, 2015
The Second (Part 3)
On the grand scale of pregnancy symptoms, I feel like I got lucky both times. I still have a long way to go, so things could change, but overall, If I'm not throwing up every two seconds, I'll take whatever else this growing baby has to throw at me.
We have had one boy and two girls names picked out forever. Since we got that positive test result, we have been trying to figure out a boys name. We haven't had any luck. Everything I like, he doesn't Everything he likes, I don't. I really wanted a name picked out by the time we knew what the gender is, but I don't see that happening. We might be the type of people who have to see the child to figure it out! Oh well. It sure was nice having two announcements ready for Shepherd. Bryan made two. One with the boys name and one with the girls. As soon as my mom announced that it was a boy, we immediately said his name and we posted it later on social media for our extended family. It was so fun. I suppose we will do the same thing with our girl name but just have 'Baby Boy Vickers' for the boy, until we figure it out. Hopefully we can come to a conclusion!
I'm so excited and so ready for this baby. I can't wait until December!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
The Second (Part 2)
I immediately text my midwife. She said that they were planning to take December off, but they'd push it back to January because of course she wanted to be my midwife.
I needed to figure out what we were going to do. Concurrent care with a physician just in case I needed another cesarean? Follow the same process as last time? Plan for a cesarean?
There were some no-brainer no's to those questions. I was not going to have concurrent care. I was not going to schedule a procedure. I don't feel comfortable with any of those options and I shall not be labeled a "high risk" pregnancy because I'm not. I don't feel high risk and pre-eclampsia rears it's ugly head early enough that I will know the signs and so will my midwife, who I know will be extra attentive.
My plan of attack was the following:
- Focus on completing school.
- Survive the first trimester.
- Finish school.
- Research pre-eclampsia again.
- Freak out over having to pump for almost 11 months and having that be a possibility again.
- Get a high protein food plan together
- Freak out over the possibility of having another hospital birth
- Resolve to VBAC
- Stay positive about pre-eclampsia
- Chill the eff out.
Focus on completing school & Survive the first trimester
I was so incredibly nauseous in my first trimester. I felt like crap all the time, was in a super bad mood and my face was (is) breaking out like crazy. It became exceedingly clear that the baby did not like coffee, so ginger ale and water became my best friends. The few that knew about my pregnancy were sworn to secrecy and I didn't even really talk about it much. I tried to just deal with one thing at a time. If I started getting into pregnancy mode, then fighting SB277, working, schooling, mothering and wife-ing would all be too much. Pregnancy brain had to wait.
Finish School
I finished school with most of my classmates unaware that I was pregnant and my instructors completely in the dark. After I was done with Capstone, I felt comfortable telling people. I wanted people to talk to be about the course, not about babies. Once it was over and they knew, the questions started and I loved it. I'm glad I kept it on the DL.
I'll be honest and say that I have a good chance of having pre-eclampsia again. It's about a 70% chance, so my odds aren't great. However, there are a lot of factors that trigger pre-eclampsia and some of them are in my control, so what is, I will give my best shot in handling. I'll also be honest in saying that while I accept my odds and I am doing what I can to minimize them, there is also fear. I don't want another birth like I had last time. This time, I want to birth my way. I want to experience natural childbirth and a natural recovery.
So, I'm trying to eat better when I feel well enough to eat. Some days I just don't feel good. I don't want to eat much and there are days that I feel great so I try to make good choices on those days. I'm trying not to stress out over it because that's another trigger. I feel that I have a healthy balance of caring about my end result but also not riling myself into a tizzy over food.
I think this time, my breastfeeding journey will be different. I don't want to pump again but I will if I have too. I did it before and I'll do it again. But this time, I want better. For myself, for my baby, for my pregnancy, for my body. I plan to be way more prepared for breastfeeding and now that I know about lip/tongue ties, I think I can make it happen.
I am a good candidate to VBAC and so that is the plan. Even if I don't have my home birth, even if I have pre-eclampsia, I felt in control of every decision Bryan and I made along the way in our first birth and if I have to do the entire 40 hour labor all over again to try to VBAC, I will. If it ends with the same result, well.... there are worst things. I'm comfortable with the decisions I made during birth last time. I gave a vaginal birth a hell of a shot, but shit happens. And it may happen again this time. I'm ready for the journey, wherever it takes me.
I will still plan my home birth. I will still set myself up for success. I can't control everything but I what I can do, I'm doing.
I'm so happy for this baby. I can't wait to know if it's a boy or a girl. I can't wait to feel the strong kicks and get a belly. I long for those quiet moments with precious baby noises and cuddles. The awkward smiles and the giggles. I'm blissfully happy. My situation isn't "ideal" but it's mine and it's beautiful. This baby is wanted and loved.
This baby will also never live down the fact they have caused horrible acne breakouts, super tired/cranky/moody days (poor Bryan) and go the longest period of my life without coffee - TWO WHOLE MONTHS. I mean jeesh! Give Mom a break, kiddo. A Portuguese girl without coffee is like a beach without the ocean.
Super weird and a tad frightening.
Monday, July 13, 2015
The Second (Part 1)
Whew! I have been a busy girl. Work has been intense and every day last week I came home and worked on blog stuff! I'm still trying to figure out a schedule for blogging and incorporate more videos, so thanks for sticking with me during the transition!
The problem was that, the coffee was not doing it for me. The longer we were there the worse I felt. I was getting super ticked because Bryan just kept talking and talking and I kept giving him the "wife look" and he ignored me. It was raining that day so I took Shepherd outside and he jumped in puddles while I just tried to stay calm and not hit Bryan over the head. Finally he was done and we decided to go to breakfast at Ryan's Place.
Except, all of a sudden, I was not hungry. I was feeling worse. I was a bit dizzy and disoriented. I thought maybe I had a fever. I tried to eat a little of Shepherd's fruit but I was green. I wanted to go home fast. When they were done, we left and booked it home. I went straight to use the restroom with the plan to get in bed immediately after. When I walked in, I saw the Dollar Store pregnancy tests right on the shelf and was like, hmm.. why not.
I honestly figured it would be negative. I was sick, not pregnant. After all, I'd been pregnant before. This was not pregnant. But there, on my counter, shown by the cheapest pregnancy test you could possibly buy, was a very, very faint, second line.
Finding out this time was not unlike finding out last time. Bryan was on the couch, and there were no children around because Bry had just put Shepherd down. I walked into the living room, just as I did with Shepherd, and I said, "There is another line. It's faint. I think I'm pregnant." And Bryan sat there, disbelieving. He didn't say much of anything, other than, "I don't think you're pregnant."
I texted a picture to my sisters and was like A SECOND LINE IS A SECOND LINE RIGHT? ITS FAINT. DOES IT COUNT? And my oldest sister, Alison sent back a resounding yes. She then picked up a digital, more reliable test and it flashed pregnant within seconds. I was pregnant.
who just found out she's for real pregnant. 4.25.15
It didn't take long for me to spiral. I was in the last leg of my program.
I went from incredulous to overwhelmed in .2 seconds. I was in SCHOOL. I was in school, and growing a baby. I couldn't have stress. School is stressful. Growing a human is stressful. This pregnancy needed to be stress-free so I didn't get pre-eclampsia again. I NEEDED TO NOT HAVE PRE-ECLAMPSIA AGAIN.
But I couldn't change that I was in school, that I was stressed, or what I was still fat. I was pregnant. I needed a plan.
Stay turned for part 2!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
A Tale of Two Razors (A Random Review)
Hi all! I'll be on a consistent schedule soon, but I'm still trying to get into the swing of "normal" life after school. The summers are my craziest time of year and this summer is no exception.
I randomly have a review on razors today and I decided to do a video! I've mentioned that I want to incorporate more video, so this is the first step. We'll see how it goes. Be gentle. ;) Also, this video contains a little special announcement - so if you didn't know already, make sure you watch!!
If you like my video, make sure to give me a subscribe on YouTube and a thumbs up! It helps me out so much and is also super encouraging. Let me know if there is any content you'd like to see from me and I'll see what I can do! I'm open to feedback.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Review: USC School Business Management Program
I applied for the USC School Business Management Program in early 2014 and the program started in July. Before we even met for Boot Camp, we had various assignments and tasks to complete. Nothing major, but work none-the-less.
I arrived at the USC campus a day early and spent the night with my friend Denise, who lives in the area. I slept poorly, anxious for the next day that I first experience 'campus life.' I had no idea what to expect, if my fellow cohort members would be welcoming, if I could even do this.
Turns out, I can. and I did.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
What Happened in May and June?
The main purpose of my bulletin board is to make organize my jewelry. I wanted to act as an "art piece" of sorts since it was goin...
*Psst - I paid for my planner fair and square. Plum Paper doesn't know me from Adam. I've been searching for a planner for quite ...
No, this post is not about birth control. Today, we're talking about our family planner. Ya'll know that I've been using the ...