Monday, August 17, 2015

Moments I'll Miss

I'm exhausted. I adulted so hard this weekend that I cannot even fathom having to work five whole days before getting a rest day. Which, Bryan has to play at a leadership conference at church so Saturday I'll be solo parenting. So less of a rest day than if it was two against one. 

However, I am keenly aware of the fact that my one on one time with Shepherd will be at an end shortly. There will be moments where it's just me and him and it seems that time just stands still. It's just us, and its so bittersweet because soon it won't be just us. Soon we'll have a baby girl with us and we'll create amazing moments, the three of us. But it'll be different. And I so like how it is right now. 

I've been making a point to take Shepherd on a walk around the neighborhood in the evenings when Bryan is gigging. I mostly reserve walks for the nights that aren't ridiculously hot and we enjoy them so much. We stop at my mom and Larry's house which is just five houses down from ours, which Shepherd is always in a hurry to do. There is a bit of a lull on the second part of the walk, where Shepherd needs a little encouragement to keep going. We often race or jump our way through it. We always look at the neighbors tomato plants and he always asks why some are green and some are red. 

Once we get to the third part of our walk, Shepherd starts to get really excited - he knows that the purple flowers are up ahead and that means his friends will be showing up! 

Shepherd points out the purple flowers, bends to sniff them and then sits and waits. Oh look! In the distance. The first cat. A sweet Siamese cat that adores my boy as much as he does her (or him??)! 

Soon after the Siamese cat arrives, so does the neighborhood black cat. This one is a little more skittish, so sudden movements will make it run, but it'll also chase after you if you have not fulfilled your petting quota. He also likes to walk right in between your legs and then nudge your hand for more pets. He's scared of Shepherd mostly, but will let him get close and pet him if Shepherd moves slowly and quietly, which he tries hard to do (but mostly fails).

This little one is new to the crew! We hadn't met her before but she was very cautious around us. She'd led us pet her for a few moments and then run and hide. Then she'd run back for more loves, only to run and hide again. Finally Shepherd had enough and followed her to her hiding spot of choice. 

He went behind the bush at first, which made her come out, then she let him pet her. The entire time he repeated, "Okay, tiny kitty. It's okay." So precious.

We then walk the rest of the way home. Shepherd looks back a lot to see how long his feline friends will follow and sometimes I take pictures of the sunset. 

These moments are just ours and the fill my heart. I know that taking the two kiddos for walks will be a new heart-warming adventure and seeing them experience life together will take it all to another level, but for now, I'm soaking this up. 

These are moments I'll miss. 


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