Yesterday, I woke up with the feeling that it was going to be a good day... for the most part, it was. I got to do some reading, visit Anna's new apartment, swim at my Moms and watch a little TV.. Unfortunately, while cuddling with Beanie, I fell asleep. I thought I had just dozed off for a little while and checked my phone to see what time it was.
Was it just a ten minute nap? No. It Wasn't. I fell asleep for an hour and a half. It was 4:57... I had plans at 6:00pm. Needless to say, I was late. Which set the tone for my plans. The night ended up being pretty crappy, despite getting four, really cute/cheap small blue vases from Pier 1. (Love that store.) Did I mention they were cheap? I paid $4.27 for them. Yeah, I know.
So, the night ends up with me in tears. Don't ask how it happened, but it did. I rarely ever cry. I was super frustrated. After that the night got a little better... then it got a lot worse. I had a migraine. My migraines have really been lightening up lately, but every time I am close to my 'time of the month' I will get a migraine. And I did last night. And no, it wasn't just a 'I want to blow my brains migraine'... it wasn't even a 'I want to place my head in a vice and twist the nob until there is enough pressure to stop the pain migraine.' No... it was a 'I want to completely detach my head, sell it on the black market, buy a new head, attach that head, and pray that the person whose head I now have does not suffer from headaches or migraines.' It was one of my epic hallucinatory migraines that I Just Love So Much.
Luckily, I had an (expired) Maxalt.. so I took that with two Aleves. I was in and out of sleep consciousness and then I completely woke up and my migraine turned into the throwing up kind. Ugh. I HATE the throwing up migraines.
Needless to say, I didn't make it to church today. But I did attend home group, so I don't feel too horrible. I also made it to Target to buy some new storage for my laundry room. I was perusing different blogs and one gave me an idea, so we'll see if it works.
After I finished putting everything together, Denise and I headed over to my Moms to go swimming. It was Glorious. We played games, tanned a little, swam a lot. It felt awesome.
We got home, did some cleaning up and Denise made dinner AND dessert. She's like the best popcorn popper ever. If people gave awards for that kind of thing, she would get one. For sure.
This weekend was pretty much a bust. I did have a few good moments. However, I had hoped that this weekend would be refreshing since this week I'm going to be working like a dog to get everything perfect for the auditors that will be coming on July 5 and 6. Please pray that I have the energy to get everything done and that the auditors take it easy on a first year. I'll let you know how it fairs.
Well, a little more laundry to do and I'm done for the day. Hope your weekend was filled with tons of good things.
PS... Please pray that the neighbors that smoke near our swamp cooler decide suddenly to quit for their health. Having cool air that smells like smoke is no bueno. Especially when you are standing right in front of it and it assaults you in the face. Actually, lets pray that the owners of the house decide to go ahead and put an air conditioner on the house. Yes... both of those are long shots... but God can move mountains. I have faith that He'll work it out!
PSS... I just had a two minute rant about how both Family Guy and American Dad had shows about how being gay is normal, natural and is okay. And Denise wonders why we watched part of the Charlies Angels marathon (a Farrah Fawcett tribute, so they were the older ones.) THIS IS WHY. Yes... Gay people, you are loved. Jesus loves you. I love you. But that doesn't make your lifestyle right... and it certainly shouldn't be conveyed to young kids (who have no business watching either of those shows) as okay. It's not okay. I'm sorry. I love you...but it's just not.
PSSS... I think I am super hormonal... *steps off soapbox.*
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Looking for a Miracle.. or Two......or Three???
Friday, June 26, 2009
If My Life Was A Movie...Baby, I'd Be A Star!
In order for you to understand today, I have to rewind you to yesterday.
Yesterday, after I worked all day, I went to Tom and Amy's and paid a RIDICULOUS amount of money for gas and if you purchase a car wash when you fill up your tank, you get a Whole Dollar off of your wash. Hooray! So, I did just that.
I set the pump to the fastest level and waited. From the corner of my eye, I see someone approaching me. Being a woman, I always get a little tense, especially since I have been ogled and hit on many times at this gas station. (But I like the owners a lot so I put up with it.) Well, I glance and its this guy that works in the store and he's coming at me waving his arms and flailing about and speaking (YELLING) his native tongue (Japanese? Chinese? Hmong? I'm not sure.) I look around me to see if he's yelling at me and of course, there is no one at the other side of the pump.
Immediately my mind is racing, okay, I didn't get into my car so there shouldn't be static build up. I am currently not on my phone or texting so he's not yelling at me about that.. I had no clue what I was doing wrong, so quickly I turned to grab the squeegee to wash my front windshield. In doing so, I pass him on the way to the front of the car and he hardly notices me. I watch as he gets his key out (all the while still yelling) and he unlocks the receipt part. He then turns to me and says, "Damn receipt paper. Always get stuck. Hour, hour. Minute, minute. THIRD TIME TODAY. You get receipt in store." He turns away from me and starts fiddling with the paper. I finished my washing of the windshield, put the pump back and walked into the store to get my receipt - which was imperative because that's how I would get my car wash code. It's printed on the receipt.
I'm trying so hard not to laugh because the guy was hilarious, I get my receipt, climb into Skeeter and go to the car wash port. I type in my code and start to drive in when I slam on my brakes because Something Swoops Down and Tries To Kill Me millions of pigeons swarm at the sound of the buzzer and one poops on my FRESHLY CLEANED WINDOW. My first reaction was surprise, then annoyance, and then I laugh. Of COURSE there are pigeons in the car wash. It's like an insurance policy for the gas station. Pay for Car Wash. Pigeon Poops on Car. Pay for Car Wash. It's an Endless Cycle.
So, I go through the car wash, praying a bird doesn't get caught on the brushes and I sing to Taylor Swift. No harm, no foul. But this put me in quite a good mood, which set up the rest of the night.
I went home, got ready as quickly as possible and then went to my sisters house who has started up a weekly Women's Group and last night was the first meeting. It was just a few girls and we got to know each other a little bit and set down what we'll be reading on what day of the week at what time. I was really excited to get involved, but unfortunately the day they are meeting are Thursdays.. Thursdays are Really Bad Days for me. So I'll attend when I can but it won't be often and I'm sad. Hopefully someone else will start a group on like Tuesdays because I would be first in line to sign up.
After everyone left, Kari and one of the girls were outside talking, so I let in Gunther so I could hang out. This is Gunther:
Yeah I know, irresistible right? So Gunther and I decide to Wreak Havoc on Kari's clean and lovely house. We chased each other EVERY WHERE... all over his wonderful bone, that looks like a cigar hanging from his mouth. Its adorable. We did this for a good 15-20 minutes and at the end, Gunther was breathing much like I was. Hard and fast. We finally conceded that he could have the bone and we cuddled on the couch for a bit to catch our breaths, then I left.
I went home, went to sleep. Slept.
Now, on to the REAL story.
This morning, the first thing I noticed was not the birds singing outside my window, or how my dog was curled up so sweetly next to me. No. The first thing I noticed was that my Butt was SO SORE. I climbed out of bed feeling like I worked out like a crazy person the night before. But I didn't work out. Why I am sore? IT COULDN'T BE BECAUSE I WAS RUNNING AROUND IN CIRCLES IN KARI'S HOUSE CHASING A DOG RIGHT? I had to do something else yesterday... Lunges? Run 10,000 miles? It couldn't be. It couldn't. It WAS. How very sad. So I walked into the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror to assess the damage to my hair and with all seriousness, I looked like a early 80s pop star gone wrong. Terribly Wrong. My bangs were standing straight up, my hair was fuzzy and crazy and I forgot to wash off my eye make up so I had black all around by eyes. All I needed was a leather jacket and a cigarette dangling and you'd think I transported through time.
I repaired the damage (with my hair actually looking cute today...and no I didn't put it up in a crap ball, thank you very much.) And then I got excited. Today is Friday. Friday is half day. More importantly... Friday is Coffee Day!!! My morning routine gets a whole lot faster. I'm speeding around trying to get everything done as quickly as possible so that I can finally hold my Tall, Hot, White Mocha with Vanilla from Java Heaven. I couldn't wait!
So, the last finishing touches: Get Dressed; Put on Deodorant; Put on Jewelry; Spray Perfume; Grab purse; Leave.
All of those were standard... except for the deodorant. I have just developed ANOTHER allergy to the ONLY deodorant I have been able to use for years. *tear* After posting this on Facebook, Kari says she just bough a two pack and that I could try it to see if I liked it or if it destroyed my skin. I stood there... looking at my previously deodorant with disdain. How could you fail me? How could you? After all these years of searching. Why? Then I looked at the new stick of deodorant.. I suddenly went to a dark place. Which is worse? Putting on my old deodorant and dealing with the eating-my-flesh burning sensation or trying this new, SCENTED deodorant and possibly having a more severe reaction? I almost chickened out. Almost. Coffee pulled me through. I grabbed the new deodorant in a rush to get done, out and to Java Heaven when I came across a whole new problem. I, not for my life of me, could not take off the little plastic thingy that is glued to the inside used to keep the deodorant from drying out.
Finally, I used my teeth. I know. Don't judge me. So I put it on, half expecting my skin to sizzle off, but nothing happened. I put the top back on, set it down and went to my perfume. When I lifted my arm I stopped. I could smell it. I can SMELL the deodorant. Is that supposed to happen? Am I the only one that can smell it? WHO would think this was a better alternative. (Ugh, I can smell it right now.) I started to freak out. I don't like smells. Harsh smells give me migraines. I do not like migraines. I quickly recovered, sprayed the perfume and walked out side. As I was backing out of the garage, I turned to go right... and I smelled it. AGAIN. I'm freaking out, man! I literally had to talk myself into calming down and kept focusing on getting a coffee.
I suppose I was focusing really hard which is why I missed my turn. I had to make a U-turn just to go back to the coffee shop. And of course I did it. The thought would never have crossed my mind to just continue to work. No sirree. I wanted that coffee. Needed it.
Is it bad when I roll down my window and the woman at the drive through says, "Would you like your usual?" or is it good? Because I consider it a wonderful thing. "Why yes, I would!" and that's it. She went off to make it (I love when this girl makes it. It's the best) and that was that.
In a much, much better mood after getting my coffee with the decadent chocolate covered coffee bean on the top, I puttered off to work, leaving my window down. I got on the main road, went a steady speed of 60mph, when all of a sudden I am Viciously Attacked by a receipt gone awry! Mind you, I jacked my wrist up so right now, I'm wearing a wrist support to keep it straight, which unfortunately gives me limited movement in my hand. I am also driving with this hand because I cannot hold my coffee in it. My coffee is being held in my right hand.
Sooo... I had no tools to fight this demon receipt! I can only imagine if someone actually saw me this morning in my car. Frantically switching between waving my arms to stop the receipt from getting my face and trying to keep the car straight.
Other than all that craziness, I received great news today! Katie has been having some issues with Zac and things seem to be moving in her favor. Praise God! For those of you that are already praying, please keeping doing so.
Until next time!
9:24 AM coffee, Entertainment, friendships, happiness, life, praise, relationships, small group 1 comment
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Commit Random Acts of Awesome
It was a great night. :)
Today was a fairly busy and productive day at work. I had to key our payroll and this entire year I have been 3 cents off. Just three. I couldn't for the life of me find out where and honestly, I just didn't have the time. This year has been so crazy, so much has fallen through the cracks. But I am excited for this year to close and next year to be way more organized on my part. Getting myself organized is the problem. Time is such an issue!
I am also thinking about a lot of projects to do around the house. I DESPERATELY need to clean my room. Its horrendous. I need to go through my clothes, pack away all of my long sleeve items and get rid of my old unused clothing. I am also thinking about sanding and staining a large dresser as well as fixing the hardware inside. The drawers are all jacked up. But as I was telling Denise at lunch, sanding and staining a desk is not something you can start and just NOT finish. So I'm going to have to seriously think and research if that is something I want to do. We'll see.
Tonight, I have a meeting at 6:15 at La Fiesta. The Young Republicans of Kings County are throwing a formal and I am coordinating everything with the help of Andy, my Co-Chair and Aaron, our Co-co-chair. We have a lot of things to discuss tonight but I am excited to get things on the way.
Other than that, I've been having a great start to my summer. It seems like it is going to be a Really Busy summer. My friend, Ryan, whom I have known since 4th grade when he used to walk me home from school (such a gentlemen) is coming for a visit. I haven't seen him in four years, since he lives in Kansas. I am SO excited to see him. It's a reunion that is long overdue.
I am also planning a trip down to see Alison and the family. I'm really looking forward to that and to me making her take me down to Coronado Beach. Which is my FAVORITE beach. Just in case I haven't told you that before.
Alright. I think I have tortured you with my mundane life quite enough for one post. One more word of advice: Enjoy your life. It's the only one you got.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
July 15, Not Soon Enough.
So, as we all know from this post, you know I am very excited about the sixth movie installment of the Harry Potter series.
If you don't FULLY understand how excited I am, let me help you.
1) Last week during work I was alone a lot. Usually, I would put on a Pandora station and get to work. On Monday night, I laid in bed to go to sleep and all I could do was think about this movie. I told my Mom and Larry at Figueros on Friday that I literally could NOT fall asleep because I made myself SO excited for the movie... So on Tuesday, instead of my beloved Pandora, I went here and let the trailer play over and over (and over and over and over) again.
2) My new friend Anna shares my love for Harry Potter, (as well as books, libraries, movies and hong kong... Yeah, she basically rocks.) SO...we decided to get together (and drag Denise along, hehe) yesterday to have a HARRY POTTER MOVIE MARATHON. And eat junk food. After getting food at the always DE-FREAKING-LICIOUS Port-Of-Subs we started our marathon right around 12:40. We watched, we ate, we ALL fell asleep during HP and the Chamber of Secrets, and it was a blast! We watched until 11:00 at night and Still Didn't Finish. So...
3) Since we are getting tickets on pre-sale (I've already emailed Lemoore Cinemas to get info cause I'm crazy) and going to the midnight showing (if not at Lemoore then Fresno) we decided that we'd get together before hand to eat dinner and watch the fifth movie, so that we can be FRESHLY reminded of it for this movie.
If those three things don't show you how excited I am, I don't know what will... maybe that I am contemplating purchasing a Entire Outfit from
I know. I know. But you have to admit... better that I am into a book/movie series than into drinking and drugs... Am I right or am I right? :)
On another front, today is Fathers Day, and I'd like to shout out a big THANK YOU to all the Daddy's out there, especially my own and the father figures God has placed in my life. I appreciate and love you so much.
Have a wonderful day.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hollywood: Why? Of The Day

Kit Carson Tigers
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thought Process
To the person that littered a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup wrapper at the County Offices near the Tax Collector: Today I had the pleasure of watching a bird swoop in to try to eat the wrapper. When I yelled, "NO BIRDIE...YOU'LL DIE!!" (in front of people) the bird then picked up the wrapper and FLEW OFF WITH IT on to the roof. Where I am sure he picked at the Chocolatey Goodness that was left over and is now either 1) Suffering a horrible tummy-ache or 2) Is dead.
Good Job, Jerk.
Thought Process
Monday, June 15, 2009
Thought Process
Michael has been super sick. I didn't know that he could be this cranky when sick. Now I do.
To the men that walk down my street with out a shirt: PUT A FLIPPEN SHIRT ON. k? THANKS.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thought Process
I'm drowning at work.
The picture in the frame in the living room is crooked.
Working out makes me sore and cranky, but makes me have a better self image. I am glad we decided to work out Monday-Thursday. It was such a nice treat to sleep in today!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thought Process
Lots of gardening needs to be done at the house... Maybe I should have a garden party... Not the type of party where you wear a pretty dress or suit and sip cocktails in the garden, but the type of party where I supply sustenance and people help me garden.. Yes. That sounds like a good idea.
I'm hungry.
I hate weeds.
The main purpose of my bulletin board is to make organize my jewelry. I wanted to act as an "art piece" of sorts since it was goin...
*Psst - I paid for my planner fair and square. Plum Paper doesn't know me from Adam. I've been searching for a planner for quite ...
No, this post is not about birth control. Today, we're talking about our family planner. Ya'll know that I've been using the ...
- Looking for a Miracle.. or Two......or Three???
- If My Life Was A Movie...Baby, I'd Be A Star!
- Commit Random Acts of Awesome
- July 15, Not Soon Enough.
- Hollywood: Why? Of The Day
- Hollywood: Why? Of The Day
- Kit Carson Tigers
- My Life: Defined is now mobile!Well! I've gone and...
- Thought Process
- Thought Process
- Hollywood: Why? Of The Day
- Thought Process
- Thought Process
- Day of Birth
- Thought Process